

Business License

(Duplicate Copy)(1-1) Registration No. 99999999 No.: S9999

Enterprise Name: XXXXXXXXXX Company

Type of Enterprise: Branch of the Company

Residence: XXXX Road , XXXX, Guangzhou

Registered Capital: SONG TING

Date of Establishment: Jun.1,2011

Term of Validity: From Jun.1,2011 to May 1,2061

Scope of Business: Tools Manufacturing (For specific scope of business, please visit the commercial subject credit information platform provided by the Guangzhou Municipality for Commercial Registration. Any products and services specified in the scope of business, which require examination and approval as stipulated by laws and regulations, cannot be engaged until all required approval documents have been granted.)

Registration Authority: Guangzhou Administrative Bureau of Industry and Commerce

Date: Apr.30,2011

Enterprise credit information publicity system: Supervised by State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China

This is to confirm that it is an accurate translation of the original document. The date of the translation is Jun.1,2016 Full name of translator: Zhang San Signature:

Tel: 86-20-36666666

英国签证 营业执照翻译(模板)相关文档

